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We often are asked, “How do we get so many excellent reviews” For a few very, very basic reasons, not in any particular order:
(1) Whatever we do, we try to make it as simple and easy for the client to understand as we possibly can. If you don’t understand what we are doing for you and why, we feel like we have failed. This is particuarly true for estate planning documents. We are frequently amazed at how complicated other attorneys can make things with the documents they prepare. There is no way a non-attorney could ever understand them. We are also astounded by what people paid for these documents! As far as we are concerned, if you don’t understand them, they are of very little value. This is especially true of trusts.
(2) We call you back when we say we will call you back. Very rarely would it be beyond the next business day.
(3) You will be 100% satisfied with the work we do, or we will do it again until you are 100% satisfied. And, we will do it again after that if you still are not satisfied, but that has not happened yet! (Thank goodness for that.)
(4) We publish our fees and charge a fair price. Our fees are probably below average for a law firm with 35+ years of experience, but we get paid well enough for us to do an excellent job for our clients. Other firms try to get more work by charging less, but they end up taking shortcuts to make up for it. Just like the “lowest bid” contractor. These firms that charge less take shortcuts which leads to sloppy work and mistakes, which leads to unhappy clients, and ultimately, poor reviews. See our Fee Schedule.
(5) We do not take on work that we do not have time to do, so don’t be insulted if we tell you we cannot handle your matter in your expected time frame. We would rather you use someone else than be disappointed with us.
(6) This may be the most important factor of all…. We do not take on work we do not know how to do. We have more than enough work to do every single day, so we do not need your money so badly that we are willing to take on work that we are not excellent at doing.
Excellent work at a fair price equals Happy Clients, and EXCELLENT REVIEWS. Simple enough.
Call us at 609-654-5489, or click here to contact us via email. info@woodendlaw.com