We publish our fees because we hate surprises as much as you do!
We are in the business of providing legal advice, and we take that business very seriously. From time-to-time, we are asked a particularly interesting question, or asked to explain a concept or law that is fairly confusing to most people, including attorneys. Several years ago we started to write down some of those explanations or answers, for the benefit of all. Hopefully, you will benefit also. Just click on the topic and you will magically be taken to the appropriate page on this website. If you cannot find the answer, or have more questions, call the office to make an appointment. The telephone number is 609-654-5489, or send and e-mail through this site.
- – What is the New Jersey Exit Tax?
- – What do I need to know about Reverse Mortgages?
- – What are the recording requirements for a Deed in New Jersey?
- – What is a “Simple Will”?
- – Can I probate a copy of a lost or missing Will?
- – We can’t find the original Will. Now what?
- – Do I Really Need a Lawyer for a real estate transaction?
- – How much does it cost to hire a lawyer?
- – How should we take title to our new home?
- – What is probate?
- – What’s up with this attorney review clause?
- – How much are executor’s commissions in NJ?
- – What is a quit-claim deed?
- – What type of deed do I need?
- – What is the difference between joint tenants and tenants in common?
- – What is the difference between estate tax and inheritance tax?
- – Do I need a realtor to sell my house?
- – How does the guardianship process work?
- – Can I prepare my own Will?
- – Why do I need a Power of Attorney?
- – What is a HIPAA Release or Waiver and do I need one?
- – What is the difference between a Living Will and an Advance Health Care Directive?
- – What is intestate succession?
- – What happens if I die without having a Last Will & Testament?
- – Is refinancing a good idea or not?
- – What is a “Short Sale”?
- – What is a revocable living trust?
- – What is an irrevocable living trust?
- – What do I do if I am named the Executor of an estate?
- – What is the difference between and Executor and an Administrator?
- – Why do I need a lawyer to probate my mother or father’s estate?
- – What is Estate Planning and do I need it?
- – Should I form a corporation or an LLC?
- – Should I get an expungement?
- – What is a Conditional Discharge in New Jersey?
- – What is the difference between the various kinds of trusts?
- – What are the different kinds of bankrupcty?
- – Should I file for bankruptcy, or are there alternatives?